2020 Rio Meander Map critique.001.jpeg

Rio Meander Map Final Critique

The sessions can be viewed live and recorded online at:
YouTube Live for 9am to 12pm CST: https://youtu.be/4g-SiJIdE64 
YouTube Live for 1pm to 5pm CST: https://youtu.be/s25izUjD8eU

Presentation materials will be available from the day of the review at https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_leXX6tw=/ 

Presentations will begin with an overview of the project and move down the Rio Bravo / Rio Grande from Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua and El Paso, Texas to the Gulf of Mexico alternating between presentation and discussion of the final map and processes developed in its production. As a collective project considered one map with an index and five pieces, presentation and discussion will involve individual and collective perspectives. We will be a big group and we look forward to ambitious and lively dialog. People will be pop in and out as necessary.

Full project syllabi online at: https://landarts.org/2020/08/24/2020-adaptation/

Confirmed Reviewers


Students / Participants
  • Maria Amador, architect and artist in Seville, Spain
  • Alden Anderson, architect in New York, New York
  • Andres Armendariz Zaragoza, architecture undergraduate candidate at Texas Tech from Chihuahua, Mexico and El Paso
  • Joseph Bondi, architecture graduate candidate at Texas Tech from Frisco
  • Bryan Brummett, architecture graduate candidate at Texas Tech from Ft. Worth
  • Haley Cooper, architecture undergraduate candidate at Texas Tech from Poth
  • Stephanie Enriquez, architecture graduate candidate at Texas Tech from El Paso
  • Frances Erlandson, poet and designer currently based in Green River, Utah from Los Angeles, California
  • Caitlin Ford, environmental designer based in Japan from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Lia Forslund, Land Arts alum, writer and artist from Stockholm, Sweden
  • Ana Garcia Merino, architecture graduate candidate at Texas Tech from Monterrey, Mexico
  • Rebekah King, architecture graduate candidate at Texas Tech from San Antonio
  • Jonathan Lalinde, architecture undergraduate candidate at Texas Tech from San Antonio
  • Alex Lopez-Iglesias, artist and designer based in Los Angeles, California from Juarez
  • Adam Neese, artist and conservator based in Denton, Texas and New York
  • Amber Noyola, architecture graduate candidate at Texas Tech from Lubbock
  • Adrian Reyna, Land Arts alumn and architecture graduate candidate at Texas Tech from Dallas
  • Daniel Rios, architecture graduate candidate at Texas Tech from El Paso
  • Carissa Perez, art and architecture undergraduate candidate at Texas Tech from nine Texas towns
  • Grace Shanks, architecture undergraduate candidate at Texas Tech from Amarillo
  • Landon Wade, architecture graduate candidate at Texas Tech from Silverthorne, Colorado
  • Franek Wardyński, Land Arts alumn, artist and designer from Warsaw, Poland
  • Mia Zaro, architecture graduate candidate at Texas Tech from Ft. Worth


Contributions to Land Arts directly and exclusively assist in program operations and student scholarships. Gifts can be made online directly to the Land Arts Fund through the Texas Tech University Office of Institutional Advancement web portal.

Gifts can also by mailing a check to Texas Tech University System, Financial Services, Box 45025, Lubbock, TX 79409-5025. Please indicate ‘Land Arts Fund, Huckabee College of Architecture‘ in the memo. 

Any questions or interest in other support options can be directed to Kelly Dale Terrill at kelly.dale.terrill@ttu.edu or 806-834-4207.

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