Pump, pipe, and earthwork near Amarillo Ramp, Potter County, Texas, 13 February 2010. Photo: Chris Taylor.
Pump, pipe, and earthwork near Amarillo Ramp, Potter County, Texas, 13 February 2010. Photo: Chris Taylor.

Once Mountain: now pit, pile, pipe

Taylor, C. “Once mountain, now pit, pile, pipe: temporal stratigraphies of disappearance and remembrance.” The Brooklyn Rail, Volume 22, Issue 5, June 2022, pp. 64-65. Invited by Roger Conover as one of 13 international voices to contribute to the Critics Page section on the theme of disappearance. Additional contributors Darra Goldstein, Mladen Dolar, Andrei Codrescu, Joseph Grigely, Mary Sue Andersen-Ader, Harry George, Craig Dworkin, Rubén Gallo, Slavoj Zizek, Jonathan Allen, Boris Groys, Ann Lauterbach, and Roger Conover.

Contributions to Land Arts directly and exclusively assist in program operations and student scholarships. Gifts can be made online directly to the Land Arts Fund through the Texas Tech University Office of Institutional Advancement web portal.

Gifts can also by mailing a check to Texas Tech University System, Financial Services, Box 45025, Lubbock, TX 79409-5025. Please indicate ‘Land Arts Fund, Huckabee College of Architecture‘ in the memo. 

Any questions or interest in other support options can be directed to Kelly Dale Terrill at kelly.dale.terrill@ttu.edu or 806-834-4207.

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