Image of working at Spiral Jetty, Rozel Point, Utah.
Working at the Spiral Jetty, Rozel Point, Utah.

Embodied Exploration – Lecture

Embodied Exploration with Land Arts of the American West

Lecture by Chris Taylor
Tuesday 12 February 2013 at 6:30pm
Education Building (EDU) TECO room 103
School of Architecture and Community Design
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida

Taylor will talk about the embodied experience accumulated within the last ten years of Land Arts of the American West, the transdisciplinary field program he directs at Texas Tech University that investigates the intersection of human construction and the evolving shape of the planet. Land art or earthworks begin with the land and extend through the complex social and ecological processes that create landscape. Encompassing constructions that range from petroglyphs to roads, dwellings, monuments and traces of those actions, earthworks show us who we are. Examining gestures small and grand, Land Arts directs our attention from potsherd, cigarette butt, and track in the sand, to human settlements, monumental artworks, and military-industrial installations. Land Arts is a semester abroad in our own back yard investigating the American landscape through immersion, action and reflection.

Contributions to Land Arts directly and exclusively assist in program operations and student scholarships. Gifts can be made online directly to the Land Arts Fund through the Texas Tech University Office of Institutional Advancement web portal.

Gifts can also by mailing a check to Texas Tech University System, Financial Services, Box 45025, Lubbock, TX 79409-5025. Please indicate ‘Land Arts Fund, Huckabee College of Architecture‘ in the memo. 

Any questions or interest in other support options can be directed to Kelly Dale Terrill at or 806-834-4207.

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