2005 Field Season

On the Bonneville Salt Flats, near Wendover, Utah.

Syllabi + Program Materials


Anaya Springs, New Mexico
Chaco Canyon, New Mexico
Tipover Canyon, AZ
CLUI—Wendover, Utah
Sun Tunnels, Utah
Spiral Jetty, Utah
Blue Notch, Utah
Muley Point, Utah
Moon House, Utah
Cebolla Canyon, New Mexico
The Lightning Field, New Mexico
Very Large Array, New Mexico
Sawtooth Mountains, New Mexico
Turkey Springs, New Mexico
Marfa, Texas
Otero Mesa, New Mexico
Juan Mata Ortiz, Mexico

John Sommers Gallery, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Sun Tunnels by Nancy Holt, near Lucin, Utah.


Rory Coyne

Jess Dunn

Buck Dyke

Jennifer Garlick

Jesse Jones

Claire Long

Jonathan Loth

Nicolas Pena

Gabe Romero

Kyrsten Sanderson

Meredith Scott

Michaela Sorenson


Erika Osborne (Program Assistant)

Bill Gilbert (Program Co-Director)

Chris Taylor (Program Co-Director)

Coffee on at sun rise, travel day from Muley Point, Utah.

Field Guests

Jerry Brody

Matt Coolidge

William L. Fox

Hector Gallegos

Joel Glanzberg

Graciela Martinez

Ann Reynolds

Michael Scialdone

Mary Tsiongas

Contributions to Land Arts directly and exclusively assist in program operations and student scholarships. Gifts can be made online directly to the Land Arts Fund through the Texas Tech University Office of Institutional Advancement web portal.

Gifts can also by mailing a check to Texas Tech University System, Financial Services, Box 45025, Lubbock, TX 79409-5025. Please indicate ‘Land Arts Fund, Huckabee College of Architecture‘ in the memo. 

Any questions or interest in other support options can be directed to Kelly Dale Terrill at kelly.dale.terrill@ttu.edu or 806-834-4207.

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